How to define whether you are buying a brand-new mattress instead of a second-hand or used one?
Most of us will come up with many kinds of worries whenever we step into a mattress.And the most wanted answer is "Am I buying a brand-new mattress instead of a used one?"
This may sound stupid. But this is really a very important thing in buying a mattress.
No one want a used one with higher price. So how could we know and how could we check it out ?
Today we're gonna show you some of our advices.
No one want a used one with higher price. So how could we know and how could we check it out ?
Today we're gonna show you some of our advices.
Generally,if you are in a professional mattress shop,you can know this by two means.
One is, the sales advicer will tell you honestly that whether you are buying a brand-new mattress.
Another one is,most of the used mattress will be tagged with words like"Used" or "Second-Hand" or "Recycled".So you can just look upon the edge of the mattress you are buying and check it out.
One is, the sales advicer will tell you honestly that whether you are buying a brand-new mattress.
Another one is,most of the used mattress will be tagged with words like"Used" or "Second-Hand" or "Recycled".So you can just look upon the edge of the mattress you are buying and check it out.
Well,if you seems not be in a professional shop,and you can see no tags like that mentioned above,and you don't trust the sales,then you can try to buy mattresses with zippers beside the edges or mattresses with net so you can see clearly into the mattresses.Hope our advices will help you out.
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No part of this article may be reproduced in any form or means, without the permission from its writter Mike Chang/ Sales manager at Beijing Meimeifu Trade Co.,Ltd.
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