Why Latex Foam is better than Memory Foam or Gel Memory Foam ?
Firstly I wanna say that memory foam mattresses, latex foam mattresses,
gel memory foam mattresses are all good choices when you're going to buy a mattress.
But they do have differences in many aspects.For example,they have great difference in breathability.
But how could we know that which one share the biggest priority in breathability.
One way we can judge from their appearences.
There are many air holes in latex foam but none in memory foam.
If you put a balloon on the surfance of the latex foam and memory foam, then you
will see that there are little air that can escape from the balloon on the memory foam,
but most of the air will escape from the balloon on the latex foam.
So it is obvious that latex foam has much stronger breathability.
Also latex foam has a special priority that other foams do not have.It is 100% percent
That means latex foam is made with 100% natural material without any chemicals.
And nothing can live in latex foam,like mites.
So judging from above,latex foam is much better than memory foam to some degree.
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