Meimeifu Mattress Factory provides an unique one-stop solution for mattress and furniture manufacturers,mattress and furniture distributors,mattress and furniture agents,mattress and furniture importers,etc.
Unlike other suppliers of finished mattresses or mattress components who tend to specialize in just one product, at Meimeifu Mattress Factory, we supply foam(sponge foam,pu foam,latex foam,memory foam,rebonded foam,etc.),mattress springs (Bonnell Spring,Pocket Spring,Continuous Spring) and mattress covers(Wool,Bamboo,Cotton) and mattress fabrics,Mattress Felt,etc. and are also very experienced in producing finished mattress,we are both vertically and horizontally integrated.
Meimeifu Mattress Factory is a global company with production and warehouse facilities in Northern China(Mainland).
Mattress Vaccum Compressing Process Video
Mattress Workshop Corner- Meimeifu Mattress Factory
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Mike Chang,Director of Sales and Marketing
Mb: +86 170 9015 0981 | | Skype: mike_newin